Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Lesson of Love

The word love is used far too often these days as a slang term, people saying “luv ya” and the like. It minimizes a word that should carry great significance.  At the beginning of relationships, love is used incorrectly to describe the incredible, electric infatuation felt when attracted to someone.  This tactile infatuation fades but love is so different.  May it never be that I underestimate that infatuation and love might exist simultaneously.  This is a hope and a dream I have, to meet that special someone which the LORD has designed as a perfect match for me.  As the BIBLE is the infallible Word of God, I can claim the promises, the factual evidence found therein.  HE shows us this special “match-making” in the creation of Adam and Eve.  The world is a big place unlike the garden at creation – how do you find the one?

Love is patient and kind, and the presence of jealousy or arrogance has no place in it.  One of the grandest components of love is that it does not take into account a wrong suffered, there are no grudges.  With that in mind, do you know love?

Real love finds joy in truth, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.  Love never fails—it is on a continuum.  Jesus is the example of love we have been given.  We rightly seek to emulate this state of love between man and GOD in our worldly relationships, woman and man, parent and child, one’s self and the needy.  This is where we put our feet, or hands into service for the LORD, as we express love in tangible ways.  Love is not a “thing” that we can claim possession of, rather it is the active, visual, auditory, tactile demonstrations that tell us love exists.  What is it you do for your special loved ones?  This is love.  What do you do for man-kind when you see them in need?  This is love. 

Is there love in your heart today?  Don’t you see, there is an endless supply when you are connected to the LORD.  Our purpose is to give it away to others so they can enter into the blessed hope of our Savior.  We love because Christ loves us!

Along my journey from behind the wall, I commit to keeping an open heart which gives and touches lives around me.  I will be patient and endure life’s trials, staying hopeful that I will find my special one the LORD has created for me.

Genesis 1
1 Corinthians 13

Yours always,
Elizabeth Antonnette

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